Phase 4: Issues of Muslim Life (According to Al-Quran)


How sure can a Muslim be about his eternity?
Islam teaches that "fate" decides everyone's eternal destination.

"Every man's fate We have fastened on his own neck: on the day of Judgment We shall bring out for him a scroll which he will see spread open." Surah 17:13
The Quran teaches that every Muslim will pass through hell.

"Not one of you but will pass over it (originally: through it [hell]). This is a decree which must be accomplished." Surah 19:71
The only assurance for a Muslim to go to heaven is through fighting for the cause of spreading Islam and being martyred in the process.

"And if ye are slain, or die in the way of Allah, forgiveness and mercy from Allah are far better than all they could amass." Surah 3: 157

Does the God of Islam lead each Muslim to eternal salvation?
According to the Quran, God leads and misleads as He pleases.

"Allah leaves straying those whom He pleases and guides whom He pleases."  Surah 14:4

"Those whom God willeth to guide, He openeth their breast to Islam; Those whom He willeth to leave straying, He maketh their breast close and constricted as if they had to climb up to the skies." Surah 6:125
God's will is that some be not guided aright, but He will inflict punishment on them for not being guided aright.

"If We had so willed, We could certainly have brought every soul its true guidance: But the word from Me will come "I will fill hell with jinns (demons) and men all together."Surah 32:13
God makes it impossible for those who reject Islam to believe later.

"As to those who reject faith, it is the same to them whether thou warn them or do not warn them; they will not believe. Allah hath set a seal on their hearts and on their hearing, and on their eyes is a veil; great is the penalty they (incur)." Surah 2:6-7
God orders people to transgress so that He will have an excuse to destroy them.

"When We decide to destroy a population, We (first) send a definite order to those among them who are given the good things of this life to transgress, so that the word is proved true against them: then (it is) We destroy them utterly." Surah 17:16
It is up to Allah to forgive and punish as He pleases.

"He (Allah) forgiveth whom He pleaseth, and punisheth whom He pleaseth, for Allah has power over all things." Surah 2:284

What is Islam's concept of heaven?
Heaven in Islam is the place where a Muslim man will be reclining, eating meat and delicious fruits, drinking exquisite wines, and engaging in sex with beautiful women, (and eternally-young beautiful boys or young men "Wildan or Ghilman," (according to some Muslim theologians). There is no mention of women's rewards.
"As to the righteous, they will be in gardens, and in happiness...(to them will be said:) "Eat and drink ye, with profit and health, because of your (good) deeds." They will recline (with ease) on thrones (of dignity) arranged in ranks; and We shall join them (in the original: marry them) to companions with beautiful, big and lustrous eyes... And We shall bestow on them, of fruit and meat, anything they desire. They shall there exchange, one with another, a cup free of frivolity, free of all taint of ill. Round about them will serve to them youths (handsome) as pearls well-guarded." Surah 52:17, 19, 20, 22-24 (see also Surah 4:57; Surah 76:12-22; Surah 55:54-56; and Surah 47:15) 

[source: ~ Abdullah Al-Araby (In this article we will examine only a few of these Islamic regulations, based on the most reliable source of all Islamic teachings, the Quran. The reader must determine whether it is acceptable to live under such teachings)]

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