Muslim Fundamental Beliefs in ISLAM

Belief in the almighty Allah:
The first and the foremost belief in Islam is the concept of Allah and His oneness. According to this belief, the whole universe has been created by the almighty Allah. The entity of the almighty Allah is eternal and He will never die. Nothing is disguised from the almighty Allah. He knows even the heart beats and all those thoughts and desires which reside in a person’s mind and heart. In accordance with this belief, Allah is alone in His possession of power; no one shares this Allah’s attribute. It is the almighty Allah who runs the entire system of this universe. All the features of this entire universe, clouds, rains, oceans, storms, stars, planets, sun , and moon etc. run at the command of Allah. None of them ever deviate from their functioning which they perform at the almighty command.
Belief in the Prophets (messengers):
The prophets are the messengers of Allah. Among the whole Allah’s creatures, Prophets are the most superior, most pious and most blessed people. The almighty Allah reveals His injunctions to His prophets and they convey Allah’s messages to the people. Prophets are innocent and they are awarded miracles by the Allah with His blessings. The prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) is the Allah’s last and the most superior prophet.
Belief in the Angels:
Fundamental beliefs in IslamThe angels are the almighty Allah’s lightened and closest creatures. They are made up of ‘Noor’ (light). Angels remain busy in worships all the times. The most superior angel among all is the Gabriel (A.S). There are some particular angels who have been assigned specific tasks. For instance, Gabriel (A.S) is assigned the duty to convey the messages of Allah to His prophets, Izraiel (A.S) is assigned the duty to take souls out of human beings, and Israfeel (A.S) is assigned the duty to blow the grand whistle, signalling that the day of judgement has arrived.
Belief in Allah’s books (Divine scriptures):
According to this belief, Allah reveals His commandments in the shape of scriptures and books to His prophets through Hazrat Gabriel (A.S). Four Islamic Books including the Torat, Zaboor, Enjeel (Bible) and the holy Quran, are Allah’s books. Apart from these, Allah reveals various other scriptures as well to His prophets. The holy Quran is Allah’s last book and is the most authentic and the best book of all time.
Belief in the Day of Judgment:
After a certain determined time, this worldly life will be over. Afterward, the Day of Judgment will start taking place. Everything of this universe including the angels will be destined to death but the entity of Allah will remain alive. On that day, human beings will be made alive by the Allah and put on trial. Those people who had faith in Allah and performed good deeds in their worldly life would be awarded the paradise. Whereas, those people who were disbelievers and committed sins would be destined to the hell. Life after that will be eternal, people will not ever cause to death again.

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